Its Summer! I don’t know about your house, but for us that means, sleeping in, as many trips to the pool or the lake as possible, Trader Joe’s Frozen Fruit Bars, and preparing for the next year. There are always way more books on my list that I have time to read and with that in mind way more book than I ought to try and read.
As I pursue teaching from rest, that means I have to say no. I can’t do everything and I can not read everything and that is okay. BUT, I can celebrate what you are reading and learn from you as you share the truths you have apprehended through your experience! That is what this summer series is all about. Several readers will be writing about a variety of books. Either literary classics or books about classical education. I am so excited to read these articles. It is always better to learn in community. Here are the readers and authors we have on the schedule this summer. As the posts are published I will link to them from this page.
Heidi White, writing about The Divine Comedy by Dante
Meghan Armstrong, writing about The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
Daniel James, writing about On Obligations by Cicero
Furthermore, I would love to hear what you are reading this summer. If you have a blog I would love for you to link-up a post about some Literary Classic or a book about Classical Education/Charlotte Mason Education.
You can link-up throughout the month of July at the bottom of this post!
As for me, I am knee deep preparing for fall, so my reading surrounds those endeavors. I do make sure to read a couple selections for my pleasure and own spiritual growth as well. Here is my list:
Reading about classical teaching/education:
How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler
Literature: (Pre-Reading for next year’s classes)
MacBeth by William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost by Milton
Gulliver’s Travels by Swift
Hadji Murat by Leo Tolstoy
Notes from the Underground (Short Story) by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Wuthering Heights by Bronte
Heart of Darkness by Conrad
Hard Times by Dickens
The Importance of being Earnest by Wilde
Jane Erye by Bronte
Spiritual Growth:
Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom
The Orthodox Way by Bishop Kallistos Ware
Leisure Reading:
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
What are you reading this summer? Join the Conversation here.
Expanding Wisdom, extending grace,
Link-Up your posts about a Literary Classic or a book about Classical Education/Charlotte Mason Education that you are reading and writing about this summer. {Older posts are fine, as they fit the criteria}
Meghan says
Yay! Very excited to read all the posts. Thanks for the opportunity, Jennifer!
Jennifer Dow says
My pleasure! Thank you for joining in the fun!